Cute DIY Stationery Gift Basket Ideas to Surprise Your Loved Ones

Here we are talking all about stationery gift basket ideas!

stationery gift box ideas

If you have a loved one who LOVES stationery, they will have a special place in their heart for a bundle of stationery items.

As a stationery enthusiast who loves cute, funny or kawaii-themed supplies, I knew that there would be someone out there who would love receiving a gift basket with these items.

That is why I have compiled these cute and/or funny stationery gift basket ideas that you can include for your special person!!

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2 Tips to Create Your Stationery Gift Basket

Choose a Gift Basket Theme

Everything becomes easier when you choose a theme for your stationery gift basket.

Your gift basket will look so cute if it is filled with marble-esque, rose gold, kawaii, or funny items!!

Remember to add a gift basket note as well!

Add “Fluff” to the Bottom

In order to make your gift basket look more “full”, add some fluff or tissue shreds so it looks packed with stuff.

Great Stationery Gift Box Ideas

Stationery Pouches

Any stationery lover will appreciate a cute stationery pouch to fit their markers, highlighers or bullet journaling supplies.

If you want to truly make them happy, then get them a cute pouch like this boba pencil pouch so they can store their supplies!!

Some cute stationery pouches:

Stationery Paper and Notepads

Stationery enthusiasts are special in that they don’t only rely on digital planners or calendars, but also love doodling, checking things off their to-do lists, or feel enthusiastic entering the “paper section” at craft stores!

That’s why including some nice notepads (this notepad is a JTT favorite) or marble-esque paper is so sweet to include 🙂

Check these notepads and paper out:

Highlighter and Marker Packs

Highlighters and Marker Packs are like brownie sundaes to stationery peeps (secretly hoping to receive more of these as a gift one day lol).

As a picky bullet journal girl, I invested in both the Mildliner Markers and Tombow Markers about 3 years ago and I still use them today so I know they are solid choices to include.

My favorite bullet journaling markers:

Washi Tape

Okay, when I tell you washi tape just never goes wrong in including a gift basket.. it just doesn’t!

Anyone with a planner, bullet journal, or notebook would appreciate having washi tape and being able to decorate their organization tools.

Check out this pretty washi tape:

Luxury Stationery

Now, I had to figure out WHERE to include these items below because I refuse to believe that there is not a correlation between love for Harry Potter and stationery.

I feel like there are stationery lovers out there who would appreciate having a feathered pen, nice wax stamps and a planner!

Give your stationery gift basket a Harry Potter theme:

Want more gift basket ideas?! Find more here:

Happy You Are Here!

I hope you enjoyed these stationery gift basket ideas!

Summary of Post: This post was all about stationery gift basket ideas!

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