20+ Resume-Boosting Hobbies to Pick Up in College

This post talks about the best hobbies to pick up in college!

good hobbies for college applications

I don’t have to tell you that being in college is already hard.

Throw in the pressure of what you have to do after college.. No wonder you are searching for hobbies to pick up in college that give you peace of mind!  

Since college left me broke AF, I wanted to give you some SUPERB hobbies to pick up in college that are both FUN and USEFUL.

I have included the best hobbies to pick up in college that will give you a leg up when writing your resume and might even make you some money!!

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Best Hobbies To Pick Up In College

1. Become a Blogging Queen or King

Blogging is one of the most productive hobbies for college students that can give you peace of mind in multiple ways.

First, blogging will stand out to employers since you will look like a BOSS while potentially becoming a BOSS if you want to make your blog an actual business.

Secondly, you get to write about anything YOU love to talk about!!  How cool would it be to build a community around something really close to your heart and then possibly monetize it?

Seriously, think about it! These are the blogging tips I wish I learned sooner.

2. Reading Financial Literacy Books

More hobbies to pick up in college:

When I tell you that one of my biggest regrets in college was not reading financial literacy books before leaving college, you would also bop me on the head.

People underestimate how much saving a little bit of money at a time can compound over the years.

Plus, in order to build a more financially stable future that does not just depend on your 9-5 income, you need to learn how to save.

I would strongly suggest adding “reading financial literacy books” to your list of hobbies to pick up in college and start by reading this book:

Reading Financial Literacy Books
Reading Financial Literacy Books

This book will teach you how to handle debt such as student loans.. just one of the things that will help you become more money savvy.

3. Become a Mentor

One of the most rewarding things you can do in college is mentoring someone else!!

As someone who has taken on a few mentees in college, I would say I am really thankful that I did because I got to challenge my communication skills and help them know what dorm room essentials to bring into their college rooms!

Also, you can have another person to go get Boba with which is always fun.

4. Get Coding

More hobbies to pick up in college:

If you are not so techy, it is never a bad thing to learn a little bit about coding.

If you ever want to start a website (and possibly become a blogger :P), then basic coding would be beneficial to understand.

Plus, future employers will be impressed if you are picking up coding even if you are not a Computer Science major.  Like, “Oh damn, what else does this person have in store?”

5. Create Graphic Designs on Canva

I honestly wish someone would have told me about Canva a long time ago.  On the free version, you can make SO MANY cool graphic designs that are really easy to make.

If you are really artsy, you can test out your skills on here and create a whole bunch of designs to show an employer one day.

It is a need-to-know if you are even THINKING of becoming an influencer, social media manager, or go into marketing in the future.  Test it out!

Best Hobbies for College Students

6. Turn a Hobby Into a Business

One of the best hobbies for college students that exists is turning something you like to do into something that you can make money out of!!

To be honest, I was really hesitant to start this blog (it took me about 7 years to gather the courage to do so).

I had a bunch of excuses such as lack of coding experience, or no one will like me #peoplepleaser, and I can’t possibly be the kind of person to go into business just for the money?

The truth is, it is not all about the money.  I made no money at the beginning, but the experience I have gained will flow with me and that is a boss move honey.  Be that boss.

7. Learn a New Language Amigos y Amigas 😉

More hobbies for college students: 

If your busy college schedule allows, take some classes in a new language or just “sit in” a language class!

Learning a new language is one of the best hobbies for college students that exists because you have the class schedule in your disposal, the professors are nearby, and you can gain some great connections from others.

Your future employers, children, partner, and traveling life will thank you.

8. Create a Podcast!

A podcast is a great hobby to pick up in college!!

You can do it by yourself, your best friend, or a group of friends in college.

You literally just need a microphone and yourself.  Of course, you can always expand this hobby into other social media accounts and really boost that resume.

9. Make Your Own Arts and Crafts and DIY’s

More hobbies for college students: 

Making arts and crafts is one of the more wholesome, fun hobbies on this list.

You can take many approaches to making arts and crafts!

  • Becoming a YouTuber known for awesome DIY’s
  • Becoming a serial hobbyist blogger showing others how to create some classic origami
  • Making a whole business where you create DIY’s and sell online

If you want to have more arts and crafts inspiration, take a look at this post: 68 Fun & Creative Self Care Activities for Groups of Adults

10. Visit a New Place In Your Area Once a Month

If you have access to a bus, shuttle, or a car, make it your mission to have a monthly rendezvous or trip near your college campus.

Finding new places to go is part of that college experience.

Plus, you never know if you will find a special somebody somewhere 😉

Summer Hobbies for College Students

11. Become a Social Media Influencer

This segment on Just Taty Things is “Best Hobbies for Students Resume” where we talk about the social media influencer.

See what I did there?

Really boost that resume, your haters’ jealousy, and your employers’ happiness by making your own social media content over the summer.  You have a lot of time over the summer to figure out a content strategy!

12. Cook and Eat Healthier

More fun hobbies to pick up in college: 

As college students, the Freshman 15 is REAL.

Over the summer, make it a goal to find healthy, yummy recipes that you will love to make and eat throughout the school year.

With more free time, this is prime time to learn more recipes and have some great self-care!

13. Become a Mason Jar Recipes Connoisseur and Cook More Efficiently

In college, you NEED to learn how to meal prep to have enough energy to study during midterms or finals week.

Meal prepping in advance is going to help you throughout the week so you do not have to eat out and waste money as much.

Meal prepping with MASON JARS though, will help you have food that looks aesthetically pleasing and yummy to eat!

14. Volunteer!

More on this list of hobbies and interests for students:

You have probably heard of this one but volunteering is always chosen as one of the best hobbies to pick up in college.

You can choose to reach out to volunteer or join a school club where volunteer events and programs are already coordinated.

It will make your heart (and resume) super happy.

Plus, you can use your summer doing something that makes a huge difference in someone else’s life.

15. Apply for Scholarships

I already know that you might not like the idea of making essays to apply for scholarships.

BUT, do you like the idea of free money being given to you??

You really just have to make one really good essay and then reuse it for other scholarships!

Want some useful college essentials and useful info?!  Read more here:

Hobbies for College Guys and Gals

16. Side Hustles for College Students

I know we have already talked about turning a hobby into a business, but how about making a side hustle part of your hobbies?

Side hustles include:

  • Tutoring
  • Photography
  • Pet Sitting

17. Make Handmade Crafts.. And Start an Etsy Shop

More on wholesome hobbies in college: 

Imagine how blown away employers will be knowing that you started an Etsy Shop selling handmade crafts.

They will really be impressed with your consistency, market outreach, and branding for your side hustle!

Plus, you can make so many crafts such as:

18. Fitness Inside Your College Apartment or Dorm

Some great hobbies for college guys or gals includes fitness inside your own dorm room!

For all my shy athletes out there, why not start exploring home workouts as part of your self care routine.

I, for 1, started a “mini gym” from the comfort of my own college room.

To get you started thinking about getting a compact elliptical such as this one:

compact elliptical
compact elliptical

And purchasing adjustable weights such as these:

adjustable weights
adjustable weights

19. Get Into the World of Bullet Journaling

More on creative hobbies to try: 

If you love the idea of planning, taking notes, and doodling all in one journal, then bullet journaling might be your next favorite hobby!

I personally found out about bullet journaling in college because my friend kept raving about theirs, and then 1 week later, I got my first bullet journal!!

Bullet journaling is perfect for you as a college student because you get to stay organized, have some fun, and remember inspirational quotes after a boring class in one place.

20. Create Paint By Numbers Masterpieces

If you ever ask yourself, “What are good hobbies to pick up?” then Paint By Numbers might be your next go-to.

I started Paint By Numbers in college on my down time along with some other calming crafts for adults.

If your mind seems to never get a break from studying, then try Paint By Numbers!!

21. Start Scrapbooking

More on hobbies to pick up in college: 

Scrapbooking is pretty old school, but don’t you want to look back at all your college memories once you leave campus?!

One of my biggest regrets after college was not buying a polaroid so I could take pictures of my times with friends.

Believe me, you don’t want to forget all the memories you create since college only happens once!

22. Ballroom Dancing, Salsa Dancing or Swing Dancing

One of my personal favorite hobbies that needed to be included on this list was dancing!

I was in my university’s Salsa club for all 4 years there and I am so joyful that I made friends outside of academics.

The greatest thing about dancing is that you get to hang out with these people throughout college, you learn how to dance with others who want to learn more like you, and you get to go to dance clubs that take you away from the campus life.

Of course, you can always add dancing to your resume to show your commitment to your interests in college, but this one is really just for you 😉

That Is All!

If you loved these hobbies to pick up in college, let me know!!  I am really curious what stood out to you 🙂

Summary of post: This post goes over hobbies to pick up in college.

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