12 Ideas That Make the Best Night Routine for Students

school night routine

If you are here, you are trying to find the best night routine for students.

As someone who HATES being unprepared, I can definitely vouch that creating an organized night routine for school can minimize the “morning rush” that we all DREAD TO PIECES.

This is the ideal daily routine for students that I wish I had known prior to college, and there are bits and pieces that can be used for younger years as well!

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Self Care Night Routine Ideas for Students

Things to Add to Your Evening Routine Checklist

I give more tips about these self care night routine ideas in more depth further in the blog post!!

  1. Turn on alarm clock
  2. Prep clothes for next day
  3. Make tomorrow’s to-do list
  4. Backpack inventory CHECK ✔️
  5. Prep food and snacks for tomorrow
  6. Less Screen Time
  7. Light stretching
  8. Quick clean
  9. Shower and Hygiene
  10. Reflection Journal
  11. Relaxing activity
  12. Add Winter Clothing/Accessories (if during Winter)
  13. Extra Office Supplies Check (if for Back to School)

Designated SPOT for Next Day Items

As students, we are likely to forget or lose things if we don’t have ONE PLACE to put it all.

I would recommend having a designated area in your room or home to put your shoes, next-day clothes, backpack, and jackets for your school night routine.

I personally have this Zenevida entryway bench and I ABSOLUTELY LOVE IT. I literally dump all my things on it every single day like my backpack and clothes. It has minimized all the clutter I used to have around my room!!

Establish a Shower Night Routine

Prepping to shower, ACTUALLY showering, and getting hair dry takes a good chunk of time.

As students, we are always fighting with time in the mornings to defeat morning grogginess and traffic to get to school.

PRO TIP: Clean your face and brush your teeth in the shower to speed up the process! Start your shower routine EARLY ON so your hair has time to dry before bed (or get a hair dryer). I share more pamper night routine ideas in this post here.

Managing Screen Time PROPERLY for Students at Night

The first thing you should do before anything else is TURN ON YOUR ALARM CLOCK.

Second, send those quick goodnight texts to your partner, besties and/or family. You can respond to emails too.

Then, leave your phone to charge and cozy up in bed.

Check Homework and Backpack Supplies

Make a sticky note with backpack supplies you use DAILY.

Take note of lunch money, notebooks, binders, pens, and HOMEWORK.

I would check homework first before anything else because that is less forgiveable usually lol.

Make To-Do List for Tomorrow

Make your to-do list or task list in your planner at night.

Since you are wide-awake still and with a strong memory of incomplete or necessary tasks left to do, it will be easier to fill in the blanks tonight instead of tomorrow.

Prep Food and Snacks for Tomorrow

You’re going to get hungry between classes, during lunch and possibly dinner (if you stay on campus for activities).

Prep snacks and food at night so you just have to worry about the lunch bag tomorrow!

BONUS TIP: Know what you are going to eat for breakfast (and prep). Sometimes life gets chaotic with siblings, family, or traffic so it’s better to have a “grab and go” system in the mornings.

Bedtime CLEANING and ORGANIZING Nightstand

Cleaning and organizing your nightstand are great ways to wake up refreshed.

A clearer mind in the morning is always nice when you are susceptible to the morning blues or keeping in mind important presentations, exams, or homework due later on.

If you want to organize your nightstand further, check out these ideas here:

Nighttime Journaling Session

I’m not perfect and I do not journal everyday, BUT I do encourage reflection especially on days where there was a lot of stress, chaos, or need to vent.

Ultimately, journaling can help you think actively on events throughout the day and how you feel instead of letting it all get mushy inside.

Add Some Light Stretching

Your body will appreciate a good evening stretch!

You can find 5 minute tutorials online for evening stretches that you can do in your pajamas or pj’s!

Essentials for a WINTER Night Routine

What you need for winter and summer are DIFFERENT, so it is better to plan ahead.

Remember to check the weather to know when to wear a light jacket, thick jacket, jeans, skirts, etc.

Night Routine Ideas for Back to School

When it is back to school time, you will want to plan ahead of time to reduce last-minute jitters.

Take some time to write down if there are any office supplies that you need to get for school.

Luckily for you, I have a few posts that cover this topic:

Happy You Are Here!

I hope you loved these healthy morning routine for college students ideas or in general, night routine for students.

Summary of Post: This post was all about the best night routine for students.

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